上映时间: 2018
发行地区: 法国
面红耳赤的百度爱好者评论:一部电影, 一段旅程, 带上这份好评文案, 观影之旅更加完美。
笑逐颜开的[佛龙影视]分享《荣格危机》故事简介:Welcome to a world ravaged by explosions of violence, a world without love. Jung, the broken-hearted hero, pursues his quest reunite with Maria, his lost love, savagely decapitated by Little Jesus. He can count on the support of allies met along his bloody path, encounters that provide an understanding of others, but especially of himself. He also has to deal with his “violent outbreaks,” an incontrollable curse that springs from his murderous soul.
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